Our website url is candidporn.org

Please read this privacy policy carefully, as your access to and use of our Websites signifies that you have read and understand all terms within this privacy policy. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data.

If you have any questions about our privacy practices, please see β€œContact Information” below for information on how to contact us.


This privacy policy applies to information we collect:

  • on the Websites and your email communications with the Websites,
  • through our mobile applications that provide dedicated non-browser-based interaction between you and the Websites, or
  • when you interact with our advertising and applications on third-party websites and services, if those applications or advertising include links to this privacy policy.

The Data We Collect About You

We may collect different kinds of personal data about you, depending on whether you chose to create an account with us.

Persons who visit the Websites without logging in or registering (β€œunregistered users”):

  • Contact Information: We collect email address or any other information which you voluntarily provide to us at your direction for a specific function, for example a contest or survey.
  • Website activity data: We collect information about how you use our Websites, products and services and interact with our content and advertisements, including the pages you visit in our Websites, search history, and the referring web page from which you arrived at our Websites. We collect browser and operating system information, devices you use to access the Websites and your time zone setting. We also collect online identifiers. Specifically, we collect internet protocol (IP) address information and we set cookies as explained below in the section on Cookies and Automatic Data Collection Technologies

Third-Party Links and Sites

If you click on a link to a third party site, you will be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of these websites. Read the privacy policy of other websites carefully. We are not responsible for these third party practices.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may modify or revise our privacy policy from time to time. If we change anything in our privacy policy, the date of change will be reflected in the β€œlast modified date”. We may attempt to notify you of any material changes as required by law. Please also periodically review the most up-to-date version of our privacy policy, which will be posted at this location, so you are aware of any changes.

For any other query contact us by email
